"of the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

This Blog site is dedicated to all genuine Truth Seekers, with the burning, unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just believe, and my late wife, Rev. Peggy A. Pasold (Naccarato-Hill) March 25, 1949 - January 25, 1992.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


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These quotes are from various Internet forums and written by Truth Teachers. I have added the titles and edited for clarity. Ray


I have noticed that about fundamentalists. I didn’t realize that they don’t believe in Jesus enough. They don’t want miracles. They don’t believe Jesus can appear to anybody. They don’t want people to have a “personal relationship with (God/Christ)”, which is what they use as a lure to suck you in at the beginning. They want you to have a “group” relationship with God and to be afraid to think for yourself or dare to believe it’s a living connection.

They only want miracles if their kid is sick, kind of like the miracles of their selection. They don’t want God and Jesus to have power. I really really don’t understand that, but if Jesus and God are alive and doing wonderful things in your life, I GUARANTEE the bible-thumpers will try to throw a big “wet blanket” on the Fire of God (the “holy chrism”) and try to convince you that you’re nuts.

But, the good news is I have had outrageous miracles happen, and I’m not even Benny Hinn. I’m not here to have a relationship with a book. I’m not a book. My Father is not a book. The “Word of God” is a PERSON, not a pile of paper and ink. They don’t believe that. I have argued with them until I’m blue in the face. The LOGOS is not a book, it’s Christ. And because they worship a pile of paper, instead of knowing the Living Christ, that’s all they get. And because they blindly follow anything one man tells them, that’s what they get. That’s ALL they get, until their kids get sick.

Then, when their kids get sick, they start freaking out because their little supposedly Bible religion doesn’t work. To quote one brother, “Nothing I was taught worked for me any more when I found out I had cancer, and I had to find my own answers.”

By Maulenaokea. Message 2. Posted 1/28/2005 2:31 PM



Question: How do you give the tools to finding the truth, if you think Pistis Sophia is beyond your understanding?

First, stop thinking. Thoughts are your tools, not your master. Stand upon the Gnosis you have and give the tools you know have worked for you. You must teach in order to learn more. That is why you are a Truth Teacher! (NOTE: No one under the control of the Rulers could write a post like your last one!)

“We teach best what we need to learn most.” Richard Bach, Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah.

I learn from Ancient Writings. I do not teach from them. I use terminology the modern day seeker can comprehend during their search. All Truth Teachers teach the same things, in the manner needed by the seeker. Once the seeker has passed that line (Born Again, Illumination, Initiation, Higher Consciousness, GNOSIS, etc.) you are no longer needed. They will find these things (Pistis Sophia, etc.) on their own, as needed. Remember, Truth Teachers are tools to be used, not gurus to be worshiped or books to be read. Be a good tool! (It is the most frustrating, at times, and the most rewarding thing at the same time, which you can do.)

When you receive knowledge in meditation, revelation that is new and amazing to you, it is even more amazing when you are shown that this truth is thousands of years old! I was taught about the War of Light from the Spirit Realm. It is called “The War between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness.” (That is the war between those of the Treasury of Light and those of the Rulers.) In my earlier days, while exploring a book store, a book fell from the shelf in front of me, for apparently no reason. When I picked it up, one chapter was entitled, “The War between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness.” I was shocked. This is the title of a scroll found at the Dead Sea site. Confirmation washed over me, and any doubt that had been festering about my lesson, washed away completely in that instant. The scroll explains that there are those born with a preponderance of Light, and those with a preponderance of Darkness. Sound familiar?

Is God creating beings with a preponderance of darkness? Did God create the Rulers? NO. It took many lifetimes of suppression of the Truth, of that Holy Spark of Godhood within them, for these beings to reincarnate in Darkness. But rejoice! You are a being of Light, and just your presence alone, without a spoken word, points them back to the LIGHT! The War of Light is over, and we have won. The enemy just doesn’t know it yet.

Remember when Father-God lined up the Awakened and asked volunteers, who would re-enter earth life to teach, please take one step forward? Everyone but you took one step back! And there you were a volunteer of the Light! (LOL! It’s just a joke. Don’t want to be without humor!)

By the way, my mission is to teach Truth Teachers who they are.


“Ray, when someone asks you if you’re a god, you say yes.” - Ghostbusters

By Raylight12. Message 31. Posted 2/1/2005 7:38 AM



It is bothersome at some level, the desire to drop names at every given point; this to some degree shows ones zeal, but at the same time too much shows ones ignorance, shows how they hide behind a name instead of carrying their own cross, being a light onto their selves. One would think they would be past it, one would think they would just go on to the stage of applying [what Jesus taught] instead of making excuses and continue to say, “he is my Lord and Savior” over and over again. As I have said before, Jesus didn’t come to be praised, but to show a way that will bring unity in man. You observe the pattern and apply the principles, or not, it’s that simple!

Jesus isn’t in need of praise. What all teachers want is for their disciples to become like they ARE, for if not, then how can one be called a teacher and how can one be called a student (disciple)? So why continue in vain, holding on to a name as if you will gain attainment by words alone? If it is of your heart, then the intent of your heart shall become manifest with each situation, each occurrence, with your contact with the fellow beings around you.

Your WILL is that which forms you and it is that which makes you a child of poverty or an adult of virtues in riches. So get passed name shouting, get passed it and find rest in the acquaintance of understanding, so you can know your place IN the Father as well, and experience that recollection, that inheritance, that acknowledgement of truly BEING: “Thou art my beloved child, this day have I begotten thee.”

Peace and love,

By Passerby777. Message 48. Posted 2/2/2005 10:47 PM



From: The Gnostics by Tobias Churton, page 22:

“At the very heart, at the ‘root’ of the Gnostic is the ‘living Jesus.’ This is what it means to ‘know yourself.’ The Gnostic knows that he or she is a spiritual being, ‘of one substance with the Father;’ for what the orthodox say of Christ, the Gnostic is free to say of himself. They do not believe they have denigrated Jesus but that they have discovered the proper dignity of Man: to be an elevated being is what being a Gnostic is all about. He will ‘be like a tree growing by a meandering stream.’ He will be in the ‘Light’ and in his spiritual being he will have wings.”

More to come!

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“Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes.” - From Ghostbusters, the movie. Go to My Resume


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