"of the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

This Blog site is dedicated to all genuine Truth Seekers, with the burning, unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just believe, and my late wife, Rev. Peggy A. Pasold (Naccarato-Hill) March 25, 1949 - January 25, 1992.

Monday, February 20, 2006


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Spiritual Assertion

Many are afraid to announce their true allegiance to the one Good God. Not fear of retribution, but fear of offending anyone and their beliefs. Some show their assertiveness, but in a raw manner. Spiritual assertion is accepting the beliefs of others as their errors on the way to discovery of Truth. Simply be who you are, not moved, but allow others the errors you have also made at some time in your past. Remember that learning is remembering what we already know and that teaching is helping others remember.

The Truth Teachings and genuine Truth Seeking will indeed court disaster if you decide to flaunt them in the face of those not on the path of Self Mastery and the quest for the Grace of Gnosis. From your own personal experiences, you must be aware that doing so causes anger, resentment and persecution. In fact, you will be called many names and falsely accused of evil. As a genuine Truth Seeker you are not in the company of believers who worship a book. Let’s be Spiritually Assertive. That is, teach with LOVE and not superiority. You are not in a higher state, just a different state. A better state, yes, but they don’t know that yet.

HOWEVER, if you insist on knowing and not just believing, on being a Truth Seeker;

You are now an anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Muslim, anti-Allah, anti-True American, anti-Anything Good, non-believer, and will go to and burn in Hell as punishment for the sin of:

Promoting an age of enlightenment!

Expressing and teaching higher consciousness!

Showing the way to inner peace!

Bringing harmony to all things!

Respecting all that exists!

Honoring our planet!

Honoring the Universe!

Honoring the Spirit in all!

Finding unity in diversity!

Declaring yourself a Universal Being and not a nationalist!

In Summation:
Dedicating your existence for God and Freedom!

Above all, declaring allegiance to no one or no thing other than the TRUTH!

From my experience, most Truth Seekers fit this description, at least to some degree.
I am honored to be among the likes of you.

You are Soldiers of the LIGHT, warriors of the SPIRIT. Never give up! Never retreat!

Ray of the Light

[ Christ Consciousness, it’s not what you think, it’s what you become. ]

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California, United States
“Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes.” - From Ghostbusters, the movie. Go to My Resume


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