"of the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

This Blog site is dedicated to all genuine Truth Seekers, with the burning, unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just believe, and my late wife, Rev. Peggy A. Pasold (Naccarato-Hill) March 25, 1949 - January 25, 1992.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Truth Teaching: Q & A

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Truth Teaching questions asked and answered from various Internet forums.

1. “What conclusions have you reached about God from your Truth Seeking?”

There are many discoveries, however, the most important one is this:
I serve the God of Truth, Who is Light, Love, and Freedom, the only God there is.

2. “Please explain more about what you found out and how you accomplished this.”

There is a challenge with this type of discovery. Before one can know, they must first believe. Now belief means it may be true, it could be true, but I do not know if it is. Then the experiment can begin. If you decide what the answer is before you experiment, before you believe to do experiments, the conclusion is just a mental one, another form of belief. I believe to disbelieve in God. This is just another worthless opinion.

It’s not easy, or everyone would do it, though many claim to have done it. Safety for yourself is a key element, to keep you from the snares of those who believe a certain way and try to enlist you in that belief system, such as religions, gurus, etc. The key then, is to have the unquenchable desire, the burning need to KNOW and not just believe. However, in order to know if something is true or not, one must first believe, and then experiment to find the truth. Belief only means it may be true, it could be true, but you don’t really know yet. That’s what Truth Seeking is all about. The mastery of self is the journey that leads you to higher consciousness, and needing to know and not just believe, protects you from all other teachings that are not verified by yourself. At a certain point you begin to realize that everything you found to be true and in error, are subject to change as your understanding grows, your consciousness evolves. This means what you found for now will change as you evolve. 2 + 2 = 4 or is 2+2 = 22, or both?

Self Mastery is the answer to achieving higher states of awareness and consciousness. There are thousands of paths calling to the seeker to follow, but only the Truth you find is real for you. Eventually, the doors of consciousness are open and you are ripe for that experience of the dimension of the Spirit Realm. It is quite amazing.

The most important thing I have found is that the Truth cannot be a belief, or it could be wrong. It must become a part of you, so that you KNOW it, feel it, experience it, and live it every moment of your life.

Spirit Consciousness is not just a new knowledge, or a different kind of knowledge. Above all that which it is, it is a new conscious awareness, a different or higher, state of consciousness. Consider Truth to be a cone, spiraling upward and ever expanding. The truth you have discovered lays at the beginning of the cone, the bottom. As you gain higher awareness, higher consciousness, that truth is expanded, as your realization moves up the cone of truth, ever expanding. You need no one to help you achieve these states and all will eventually do so. However, if you wish to speed your spiritual awareness to higher levels of consciousness, there are tools that have been found to be very effective to volitionally force yourself into a higher state, instead of waiting on natural evolution of consciousness (which may take many lifetimes and thousands of years).

There are those who can give you these tools, and if the tools work for you, you can achieve incredible progress on the journey to Spirit Consciousness. These teachers are called Truth Teachers. There is no universal tool to achieve Spirit Consciousness, but there are tools that work for most everyone. Just remember, a real Truth Teacher knows they cannot give you Spirit Consciousness, but only give you the tools to achieve it.

The tools are many and consist of two types. First, to build your awareness that higher states of consciousness may exist, there are books and writings that describe it and tell of other peoples experience with higher consciousness. There are many such writings, and I can only give you the ones that helped me. You might enjoy them also. (Remember, you must first believe that higher states of consciousness exist, before you can experiment and discover if they do or not.)

Cosmic Consciousness, by Richard M. Bucke
Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Richard Bach
Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, by Richard Bach
The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age, by Levi Dowling

You will be led once you begin sincere Truth Seeking to many other writings. However, if you don’t ask, with all your heart mind and soul, you may not find the answer you seek. It must be your priority, above all else in your life. The second types of tools are those that require you to do the work, to work on yourself, to look within yourself and find the Christ within. All the writings mentioned speak of this requirement.

Meditation is the first way of self-examination. There are many forms of meditation, however, the meditation you seek is one of self-mastery. I could post some of my classes on this, but it would take much space here. Self-mastery is an on going experience and never ends. The growth into awareness of the Christ within is also an on going experience. However, there is a LINE of higher consciousness one crosses; you are blessed with an awareness and knowledge that can never leave you! It is called illumination, or re-birth into Spirit Consciousness. Your Truth Seeking takes on a new dimension once you have gained this state.

Once you obtain a break through, a confirmation of experience, an illumination, you no longer depend on texts, other people of the physical realm, for further spiritual growth. Note the word “depend.” I still read as much as possible about this and learn from other people, however the knowledge obtained is always tested by the truth of my experience and the teachers I have, who are of the Spirit Realm and not the physical. Direct communication with the Spiritual Realm is one of the blessings of illumination.

In order to maintain the knowledge you acquire before illumination, and not to let the day-to-day life and contacts with others rip the awareness from your consciousness; I have two suggestions. First, let your spiritual journey be shared with only others on the path, and no one else. Second, do a study on assertiveness, so you can free others from your manipulations as you free yourself from theirs. I highly recommend this book.

When I Say No, I Feel Guilty, by Manuel Smith.

This is raw assertion, but you can transform it into spiritual assertion.

3. “I assume that prayer was the main method used to connect with God. Is that correct?”

No, it is not. Prayer usually means talking to God, but not listening. Most people who pray do not know but only believe there is a God. They cannot begin to even believe that God would in any way bless them with a verbal response, or any other kind of communication. They must defer to a book. Then there are those who imagine that God is speaking to them, and usually tell others all about it. Some believing they are Prophets and the like. Real prayer is simply listening to the small still voice within you, that has no sugar coating and presents to you what you need to hear and feel, whether it is comfortable or not, whether it confirms your beliefs or negates them. Very few people take the time to master themselves to be able to listen to that small still voice. Many believe they hear that voice, which is only the voice of their own mind. They have not done the work, have not mastered themselves, and are still lost in belief.

4. “How do you feel about people like Osama Bin Laden? Is he spiritual, faithful, evil, etc.”

I don’t know him. I have, of course, heard about him. I do know this. There are those who claim to be Spiritual yet their actions negate the Light of Truth, the Love of God, and life itself. They all appear to claim a superior knowledge, yet if you do not believe as they do, they will either kill your body or condemn you to some sort of hell after your body dies. These types of people are lost in false belief and are a detriment to Truth Seeking and humanity in general. Osama Bin Laden appears to fit this description.

5. “Do you think many Christians practice the principles you adhere too?”

The principles of Truth Seeking are not limited to Christianity. The Hindus call the Christ within the Atman, just as an example. Yet most Hindus, just like Christians, will not do the work of Self-mastery and prefer to live in belief. They need to choose an authority to believe in. Christians who are Truth Seekers soon realize that they are not Orthodox Christian believers, but are Christines, those aspiring to become Christ-like and Free. Christian Gnostics, of which there are many, all appear to be genuine Truth Seekers. However, you’ll have to ask them.

6. “What percentage of Christians sees this issue the way you do in your opinion? I suspect that it would be far less than half of them just from my experience with them.”

It appears you are suggesting that force of numbers can have a bearing on what Truth is. If it were only I, it would not change. The Truth simply is. However, I suspect that no Orthodox Christians whatsoever see this issue the same way. Remember, they are lost in belief, and refuse to go beyond it. If Jesus himself appeared before them and spoke anything that was at variance with their belief of what the Bible means, they would scream, “Devil!” and denounce him.

7. “One thing an Agnostic is willing to admit is that they can be wrong. So you may be right and I could be wrong.”

No matter what presentation I give you, this still stands. You cannot know if Truth Seeking is, as you put it, right, unless you choose to experiment and find out for yourself.

8. “Belief is not proof however so therefore God may or may not really exist.”

True! Now change your belief that God may or may not exist, into Knowing. Do the work.

9. “What characteristics should I look for in a truth teacher?”

None. The characteristics of the Truth Teachings on the other hand, are very important. No one can tell you what the Truth is; you must find it for yourself. The Truth Teacher that the Truth Teachings lead you to is the one inside of yourself. The only Truth Teacher you can rely upon is within yourself. The real question then is, what are the characteristics of you. Are you able to do the work, master your self, and discover the Truth Teacher within you?

10. “How can I tell whether I am as far progressed in spirit and consciousness as the truth teacher I accept?”

This is irrelevant and has nothing to do with Truth Seeking. No one can test your awareness except for you. There is no Truth Teacher to accept. There is no Guru or Master Teacher to follow. There are experiments to conduct and self-mastery to achieve. Do the work.

11. “If a person claiming to be a truth teacher uses methodology that violates normal rigors of truth finding, does he qualify as a genuine truth teacher?”

No. However, you have decided that what you call the normal rigors of truth finding are the academic standards of Science and empirical knowledge. That means experimentation and discovery. You seem to imply that the Truth Teachings and genuine Truth Seeking require neither. Yet, as I have repeatedly stated, it is the main ingredient of Truth Seeking! Therefore, your question is a false question, one of false accusation and denial of Truth. You have implied that you are equal to or superior to the Truth Teacher or any Truth Teachings, by the way you stated your question. You seek to discredit the Truth Teacher, who is actually within you, and therefore, you only discredit yourself. The assumption that you are superior to genuine Truth Seeking, that you have already achieved the knowledge of Truth, means you have nothing else to learn, and therefore, makes you not teachable. Such an act of self-condemnation is virtually unforgivable. However, you can forgive yourself, which is the first step in finding the Truth Teacher.

You have chosen not to do the work of genuine Truth Seeking. Instead, you choose to find an authority to believe in. You pick your authority based upon the logic and desires of your mind. When an authority of greater logic comes along, you choose to follow them instead. This is like religion. When one comes along that can convince you theirs is the correct religion, you will change that too. This is totally at variance with the Truth Teachings and the process of Truth Seeking. You appear to be spending more time denying the existence of Truth than trying to discover it. However, that appears to be your choice. The existence of Truth is not contingent upon your beliefs, and is higher than your religion of agnosticism, or any other religion.

12. “There is something about God that is missing from pretty much all other religions/teachings and I was wondering if yours contains it. My question is what, if anything, do you teach about the Light and Sound.”

Truth Seeking means to discover these truths for yourself. However, there is always a need for something to experiment with that may lead one to higher consciousness. The Sound you mention appears to be the Sound of the Universe, the vibration of creation itself. When teaching how to achieve the out-of-body experience, this Sound can be heard and felt.

The feeling of the Sound Vibration is the important thing, for that is your Soul, your true essence, doing the sensing. The Light as used in this example is the sensing that your true essence is this Light, that you are a Spirit and not a physical body. The physical body is just a sophisticated Space Suit, which allows the Soul to interact in the Physical Realm. The sensing of the Sound and the Light can create a vibration that will lift you out of your physical body. At this point, all you need is a destination, a place to go.

The one thing that stops the movement of Soul out of the physical and into the Spirit Realm is fear. The fear of dying is the factor to overcome. The best way I have found to do this is the simple acceptance of death. That is to say, if this means I am dead (I can't get back to my physical body), that is accepted as OK, no problem. Once the barrier is broken and an out-of-body state is achieved (out of the physical body) the realization that you can't die releases your fear for further experiments. Sound, Light, and a place to travel to are the main requirements. Thus, the Sound and Light are applicable in these experiments.

There is a religious movement called Eckankar that has Soul Travel as the basis for discovering truth. However, I have discovered that Truth is far more than the knowledge that we are Soul, and not just a physical body. In addition, these types of experiments do not answer the fundamental questions of what is the Sound, and what is the Light. If those answers could be put into words, it would make Truth Teaching a simple process. However, they cannot be put into words, written or spoken. They must be experienced.

All that I have just written may or may not be true. You will have to do the experiments and discover for yourself, if you really want to know.

13. “I enjoyed your presentation on the difference between believing and knowing, and also your description of the fervor, the life and death intensity with which those who desire to KNOW, will SEEK. Right on.”

It is always a pleasure to see yet another person that understands Truth Seeking. As you work on attaining higher levels of Spirit Consciousness, it suddenly dawns upon you, BAM! You are a Truth Teacher!

14. “But there are many, which serve that which they call god, who is hatred, and killing, and plague, and oppression.”

Here the need is for revenge, to get the bad people and teach them a lesson. If they are deemed evil enough, then this god will send them to a hell forever. This is a typical feeling of the human psych based upon the instinct for survival, to defend oneself and their family. The next human emotion invoked for this type of god is the need to be accepted, to be part of what is right and correct. This feeling dictates that if you are correct, everyone else is wrong. Those who believe the same as you are sought out to support your belief, and in fact, converts are eagerly made of anyone they can convince to believe the same. This gives strength and credibility to the belief that they are right and those who believe different are wrong. As an example, there are billions of Muslims, so we must be correct. There are billions of Christians, so we must be correct. There are more Republican voters than Democrats, so we must be right. The list goes on, but you get the point by now. The justification of an evil god is a simple one; the bad people are the blunt of this god's anger, not the true believer, who is saved from that wrath by whatever belief is needed to appease that god. The greatest enemy of this kind of god is Truth Teaching and therefore, Truth Seeking. The only attribute that saves a genuine Truth Seeker from the snares of this false belief is the burning, unquenchable desire, to KNOW and not just believe.

15. “I recently tried to explain this to someone, who claimed god refused to answer his prayers. His prayer was to know if god was real. I felt sorry for him. I told him he had to decide FIRST. How can a god answer him, whom he does not even believe exists?”

This is called false skepticism. One must first believe before they can know. The knowing may dictate there is no god, or it may be that there is. The false skeptic has already decided there is no god, and demands proof from this god if it does exist. No proof acceptable is available to this kind of person. If they were suddenly taken out of body and shown the Spirit Realm, shown that they are not a physical body but a living Spirit that cannot die, on their return to the physical body, they would write that off as an illusion, a dream. The same if God appeared to them would occur. There is no proof for those who have already decided what the Truth is. They refuse to do the work and again, as in the above statements, Truth Teaching and therefore, Truth Seeking, is their greatest enemy. This is noted in the answer to question two:

"There is a challenge with this type of discovery. Before one can know, they must first believe. Now belief means it may be true, it could be true, but I do not know if it is. Then the experiment can begin. If you decide what the answer is before you experiment, before you believe to do experiments, the conclusion is just a mental one, another form of belief. I believe to disbelieve in God. This is just another worthless opinion."

Another aspect of discovering God is the idea that God is not just a person to be talked with and shake hands with. God is an expression of Truth and therefore, of KNOWING and not believing. One can learn to know this God by experience of the God Spell, the absolute assurance and knowing that a higher power is at work, within the self, within you. It is a discovery, not a revelation. It comes to anyone who desires it with all their heart, mind, and Soul, with every aspect of their being, above all else in their life, the priority of their seeking. The Law of Noninterference prevents any miraculous revelations; the Law of Divine Intercession provides all the experience and proof necessary. Could this idea be true? Do the work of self-mastery and see for yourself.

16. “Is the God of your understanding an entity outside of yourself?”

First, let us consider that if God is within you, and me then the God within you is outside of me. However, God is not an entity as we define entities. The God within you is a PART of the True God, since you are a manifestation, a creation, of GOD.

Your first contact to KNOW and not just believe in this God is within your consciousness. You must know yourself in order to know the true God of us all. The mastery of self is the first step in seeking Truth. Where do your thoughts come from? Are you your thoughts? Are you more than just mind and thinking? Who is doing the thinking? Do you know you exist because you think, or do you know you think because you exist? Where did you come from? Where are you now? Where are you going? Is there a state of consciousness beyond the state of self-consciousness you now have? Do you only believe in the answers to these questions, or do you KNOW beyond the shadow of a doubt? What is the difference between believing and knowing? Can you learn to KNOW things and not just believe? Is it possible to know, to have the absolute assurance that can never be changed by any beliefs? Is there a Spiritual Realm? Are you more than a physical body? If you are a Spirit, can you enter the Spiritual Realm now, leave your body, and experience it? Do those beings exist who have already done the work that can help guide you to your own experiences of this knowledge? Do you know, not just believe, with absolute assurance that these questions can or cannot be answered? This is the journey of a genuine Truth Seeker, who has the burning, unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just believe!


For God and Freedom, I AM

Ray of the Light

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“Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes.” - From Ghostbusters, the movie. Go to My Resume


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