"of the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

This Blog site is dedicated to all genuine Truth Seekers, with the burning, unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just believe, and my late wife, Rev. Peggy A. Pasold (Naccarato-Hill) March 25, 1949 - January 25, 1992.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Biblical Answers

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Basic Answers To Basic Questions
For those seeking Biblical Answers

1. How did we get here in the first place?

God FORMED the human body from dust of the ground, our physical body is of the earth plane. The life we are is of the breath of God, a part of God! The Spirit breathed into the body by God is the life, not the body! Gen. 2:7

2. What happens when a person dies?

“Then shall the dust return to the earth … the spirit shall return unto God …” ECCLES. 12:7 A great confirmation that only the body dies, and NOT the Spirit!

3. What is the spirit that returns to God at death?

Some say you can’t talk to the dead. Of course, the body is dead, and anyone trying to talk to a dead body is making a grave error. (Pun intended) However, the Spirit is NOT dead! Did Moses and Elijah not have life? Luke 9:30, Matt 17:3, Mark 9:4. In these passages, were they the breath of life and nothing more? No, they are immortal beings of Light!

4. What is a “soul”?

Soul has NOTHING to do with the body except that the body is the temple of the Soul. Breath (Spirit) + Consciousness = Soul. PERIOD. Jesus teaches that we are Spirit, and that our Souls are formed by the Consciousness we create, by what we dwell upon, believe, and choose. Choose the LIGHT and become a Son or Daughter of the LIGHT!

5. Do souls die?

My Soul died when I was Born Again into the Light of Christ, and this mortal Soul took on immortality, and can NEVER die again! Wake up! Christ has come and fulfilled all things so that you may have eternal life! Yes, YOU, not your body.

6. Do good people go to heaven when they die?

It appears you are still waiting, in your grave of the body, for the resurrection. Jesus has already offered you his resurrection. Be born of the Spirit, and you shall never taste death. It appears you are confused about Heaven and Hell. They are here, now. Which one are you in? “Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Jesus the Christ, Luke 17:21. Jesus is concerned about people entering the kingdom of God, not with them going to a heaven.

7. How much does one know or comprehend after death?

Did Moses and Elijah not have life after their physical death? Luke 9:30, Matt 17:3, Mark 9:4. In these passages, did they not comprehend this meeting with Jesus? Of course, if you are talking about their buried bodies turned to dust, then you have a point. In addition, there is more praise for God in the Spirit realm than here on earth! However, the praising humans in the Spirit realm are not dead, either. The real dead are the walking dead that do not know God and praise God not. They are all around us. When you pass over, behold! You will know and comprehend everything, because you are a Son of Light and Christ has made your Soul, immortal! What happens to the other Souls, not yet made immortal? That is a different subject for a later time.

8. Can’t the dead communicate with the living, and aren’t they aware of what the living are doing?

Dead physical bodies cannot communicate with anyone. We, being aware of the Spirit realm, and knowing that only the body dies, can not only communicate with those that have past over, but visit with them. Glorious anointing of the Christ poured out upon us and behold, we could see! “But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” Jesus the Christ, Matt 23:31-32

9. What happens to the righteous dead at the second (and only) return of Christ?

You phrase your question with an assumption of truth, with the words “and only.” Are you banning Jesus the Christ from ever visiting us until his second coming? Did his visitations to the Apostles and others shortly after his physical death not count as a return? Has He not come to us all who are Truth Seekers on a Spiritual quest, in one way or another? The Lord has come quickly to me, and will to anyone who is ready. Thank you Jesus! What a glorious shout it was that raised me into the air and in the twinkling of my eye changed me into immortal Soul! As I met Jesus, I fell to the ground in front of Him and wept, pleading teach me to love! He raised me up and said, “You are my brother man, teach the others to love as Christ and you will learn as you teach, for the Holy Breath will speak through you, and in teaching, you will learn the most.”

IN CONCLUSION, remember that Love is King and Love shall conquer! Condemn not! God does not condemn. We only condemn ourselves! Evildoers, who walk in error, will condemn themselves, and until they repent (acknowledge their error), be left out of the gifts and glory that awaits all who dare enter the kingdom of God! Did Jesus condemn the prostitute caught in sin? No, let he who has no sin [no error] cast the first stone. He had no sin, no error. He cast no stone. Judgment of condemnation ended the day the Love of God made manifest entered the world and arose from the grave, conquering death for you and me! Teach the glory of divine love my brothers, or you will lose sight of the goal. Live in the New Covenant, or die under your judgment of self-condemnation.

Christ’s peace is with all Truth Seekers. I love you all. Ray of the Light

Published by S.E.L.F. Publishing, Copyright © 2005 Sacred Eternal life Fellowship

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“Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes.” - From Ghostbusters, the movie. Go to My Resume


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