"of the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

This Blog site is dedicated to all genuine Truth Seekers, with the burning, unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just believe, and my late wife, Rev. Peggy A. Pasold (Naccarato-Hill) March 25, 1949 - January 25, 1992.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


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John the Baptist is Elijah


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

There Was A Big Bang

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There Was A Big Bang


Tuesday, May 23, 2006


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As long as you remain trapped in the “Mental Realm” of books, texts, and codes, you will never enter Spirit Consciousness, experience true re-birth, and achieve Gnosis. True Gnosis is the gift of the Divine bestowed upon those who have prepared to receive it, as Jesus the Christ taught. No books, texts, or secret codes are necessary.

The true aspirant of Gnosis must love God with all his heart, mind, and Soul, and have the unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just believe. If you seek not to know the Truth, any knowledge you acquire is only a belief of the mind. Remember, Gnosis is not of the mind. To know within your heart, without a shadow of doubt, is not of the mind.

The truth is alive; it walks, talks, and is the vibrating power of the Universe. When you have the truth, you will be the Truth, and the Light of the World.

Those who are graced with Gnosis are surprised, amazed, and awed at who they are! Then the books, texts, and codes only confirm what they are, Sons and Daughters of the Living God, Beings of Light! These texts are for those who know and do not just believe! They are truly free, bearers of the Christ Light!

May you walk in the bliss of the light of the true divine and the love unconditional of the Christ, the love of God made manifest.

For God and Freedom, I AM

Truth Teacher

Sunday, May 21, 2006

DISCLAIMER - Please Read!



There are millions of people who unknowingly worship books that contain spiritual information, such as the Bible and the Koran. The books distributed by the Sacred Eternal Life Fellowship provide you with information that can help you attain higher states of Spirit Consciousness and Spiritual awareness. This information is interpreted by your current state of consciousness as to its meaning and use. As you grow in Spiritual awareness the meaning and use of such information will expand. That is the nature of Truth Teaching and spiritual information. The written words are not intended to be worshipped, for they are just words. Do not get caught in the trap of believing that God resides in a book.

The important thing to remember is that Self Mastery is the key to the discovery and experience of The Truth. Doing the work of self discovery is not complicated; it only requires patience and honesty. However, it is difficult to make the time to do it. It is a lonely journey at first, for few believe it has value and many will discourage you from taking this path. Do not let that happen. There is no greater thing you can do. When you discover who you really are, you will be amazed. When you have a rebirth into Spirit Consciousness, you will be overwhelmed with elation and laughter. When you realize the state of the consciousness of the majority of the world, you will be saddened and upset. When you come to realize that eventually everyone will walk in the Light and Love of God, you will know your purpose.

When you no longer need to say “I believe” but instead can say, “I KNOW” then you indeed have become that truth. The Truth is alive, it walks, talks, it is the vibrating power of the universe. It is neither a book nor the words in it. However, the words can give you the information which, when applied properly, allow you to experience The Truth. The intention of the distribution of this information is to give you the ability to experience the Truth, not to worship the information. Please, remember that.



Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Death & Dying

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A Short Discussion on Death and Dying

Q: Ray, are you afraid, fearful of dying?

A: Fear is Faith upside down! Faith is the absolute knowing and assurance that you are Spirit and can never die.

Q: Come on Ray, you know one day will be your last day, and you will die too. Jesus died, so will you.

A: I am not my physical body, which is the space suit I wear to interact in this environment, the physical realm. Jesus allowed his body (physical) to be killed to prove the possibilities of mankind. There is no death except that of the walking dead in Spirit, who refuse to do the work of Self-Mastery, deny the Spirit realm, and will never attain Gnosis in their lifetime here on earth.

Q: Well, that’s an assuring belief you have, but how can you prove this?

A: It has been proved to me, by the work I have done and the Grace that has been bestowed upon me. If you want proof, you will have to experiment, do the work of Self-Mastery, and enter the Spirit Realm now, before your physical body dies. When you achieve the out-of-body-experience (O.O.B.E.) you will know too. It is that simple but it is not easy.

Q: I don’t even believe in that. Why would I experiment with that? You sound like you have had some vivid dreams, but have no proof.

A: That is the beauty of Truth Seeking. No one can prove it to you; you must experience it for yourself. If you choose to be a false skeptic, deciding you know (it isn’t real) before you experiment, you can never know. Don’t do that. Your unbelief only stops you from experimenting to see if it is true. You must first believe before you can know, and the knowing will be of an inner assurance because you became that truth. It is not head knowledge of the mental realm but intuitive knowledge of the heart, the Spirit. This is called Gnosis. Stop reading, do the work!

Q: I don’t believe I am worthy to be graced with Gnosis.

A: Good! You aren’t, no one is. Thank God that has nothing to do with it! What does is matter is: Do you have the burning, unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just believe?

Q: So you believe you are immortal?

A: No. I know I AM immortal! I can never die. There are those who have eternal existence, not remembering where they came from and not knowing where they are going. There are those who are immortal, who not only know these things, they also know why they are here now, in the physical realm.

Q: That sounds kind of religious. Stop preaching and simplify this for me. Give me a start.

A: You are not a physical body. You are not a mind. You are not thoughts. You are Spirit. Try repeating this over and over for awhile: “I am a being of Light. I am Spirit.” It will ring true within you. Test it. Say “I am a body.” Say “I am a mind.” Say “I am thoughts.” Eventually, you can realize by this simple process that you are Spirit. It is not as a philosopher once said, “I think, therefore I am.” Instead, it is “I am, therefore I think!”

Q: I’ll try it but I don’t believe you yet.

A: Good! You only need to believe in yourself, that you have the power to know and not just believe.

Truth Teacher

Ray of the Light

[Question from a child not yet taught to believe in death: “Death? What’s that?”]

Pasted from


Wednesday, May 10, 2006


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In another Internet forum, a member named Electra challenged my posts with some bizarre questions and false claims about what I had written. Here I present all her questions in RED and my replies.

From Post: Religion vs. Spiritual

I think you have me confused with someone else. I cannot find any thread were you asked me anything. In fact, you write things that appear not relevant to the initial post. Here are some quotes from you.

Note: The Aquarian Gospel (AG) is not a Bible and was never mentioned in this post (Religion vs. Spiritual) by me.

From: Electra Sent: 1/28/2005 6:29 AM msg 7 (Religion vs. Spiritual)
Jesus also said that he would use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. He put it in a best seller the Holy Bible, and never mentioned being found anywhere else. In fact, he said just the opposite. You wouldn't look for a toothbrush in your shoe would you? He pointed the way. Why not follow it.

Sometimes pride can be found in the most unexpected places, especially when by saying you see, you see not, and by knowing, you know not. If it were not so he would have told you, my brothers.

What any of this reply has to do with my post, Religion vs. Spiritual, is beyond me, except maybe it is a defense of Religion? Or could it be that you are upset because you believe that knowing is not possible? (She did not reply to this post.)

From: Electra Sent: 1/28/2005 7:19 AM msg 9 (ibid)
I think we do agree on one point. It has to be an individual journey. There is no such thing as heredity with God. If we are saved by God's grace not of works then it would follow that church attendance is a waste of time until the hand of God has reached your soul without interference from any man or organization.

You speak a truth here, except that no one needs to agree with you. It simply is so.

When talking about being born again, Jesus was speaking to a Rabbi who came out by himself outside the church walls, set aside his pride, and risked the chastisement of his peers to talk to Jesus. He had to lower himself, not raise himself to a higher consciousness.

Only a Higher State of the awareness of who Jesus was, allowed him to approach Jesus. Pride had nothing to do with it. Humbleness, willingness to learn, had everything to do with it.

But because he was unwilling to miss the truth, which is the second point we agree on, he was willing to take the risk, no matter the consequences.

Yes! Just like many of us here. Again, agreement is not needed.

Can someone show me something that is meaningful to this discussion?

I'm not sure what you mean by this.

(Again, she did not reply to any of these posts.)

From: Electra Sent: 1/29/2005 8:00 AM msg 15 (ibid)
What alternative wisdom source can you quote? Anyone can criticize. Let me hear something concrete, not just mud slinging at my truth. What does the AG Bible have to say, or Aristotle, or anybody?

If by AG you mean the Aquarian Gospel, it is not a Bible. If you wish to learn what it has to say, read it. What mud slinging are you talking about?

My point yesterday was, I saw Jesus being quoted several times as if he had some credibility. But then when I pointed out that if he wanted us to realize that truth is wherever you find it, he would have said so. But he said many many times just the opposite. No? It was a theme, not a church insert.

Who said Jesus wanted us to realize that truth is wherever you find it? Are you implying that Jesus said the truth is only between a few hundred pages of a book called the Bible, written long after his physical death?

I think thee doth protest too much.

If you are speaking to me, I protest nothing. It appears, however, that you are protesting my statements of truth. Maybe a different wording of the same would allow you to better understand the meaning.

(Again, she did not reply to any of these posts.)

From Post: The Most Dangerous of Deceptions (The Christine Church: Chapter 2)

Note: The Aquarian Gospel (AG) is not a Bible and was quoted in this post (The Most Dangerous of Deceptions) by me.

From: Electra Sent: 1/17/2005 2:17 PM msg 23
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is the deceiver and an antichrist....So I'll just say good luck.

That is exactly what I stated about the Orthodox Christians. They claim Jesus was and is God. How then did he come in the flesh as a human? This was a later doctrine they added to cover their deceptions. They decided Jesus was both God and man. That God became man, not man becoming God like. This is at total variance with the Teachings of Jesus, who commanded us all to become perfect, as the Father-God is. Jesus prayed to God (to himself?).

(Again, she did not reply to any of these posts.)

From: Electra Sent: 1/31/2005 10:44 AM msg 29
What it really boils down to Ray is: You don't believe the "Pauline Bible" is truth. And likewise, I don't see your AG Bible as truth. So we are at each other because we are both trying to save each other from eternal damnation. This is getting really weird.

I never stated any of these things, and it is not my Aquarian Gospel. Have you read the AG? Do you condemn it because someone told you so? Show me the parts of the text you find untrue.

The term you use, "Pauline Bible" is interesting. If you believe it is not of the Christ, but of Paul, why do you believe it? I also use quotes from the Bible to show the truth in the language of the Orthodox believers. Did you not read the opening post?

There is no eternal damnation, and I am NOT trying to save you from anything. My post points out the snares of those who would try and stop a beginning truth seeker from finding truth. The one thing that will keep a Truth Seeker on the path is the burning, unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just believe.

To help you further understand, please read this again, from the opening post:

Of course, Orthodox Christians hate the Aquarian Gospel because it removes their ability to worship the Bible, manipulate others, and feel saved.

Or maybe you would rather see me burn in hell, I don't know. Is it just me, or is this getting so ridiculous, it's funny.

Again, I don't know what you are talking about. No one will burn in hell. I only wish for you, Light, Love, and Freedom.

I asked you one time to say; Jesus is Lord, but I haven't heard you say it yet. Also I asked you to say; Jesus is the one and only anointed Christ and savior. You haven't answered me yet. It seems some of your friends could answer yes. Can you?

Again, are you talking to the right person? I have every post you have made to me, or possibly to me, quoted in this post. I can't find such a post anywhere. What do you mean by my friends? Are you testing me to see if I fit your Orthodox Christian view of what a true Christian is? My observation on that is clearly stated in my thread, Religion vs. Spiritual. Please see it.

That is the crux of my truth. And to teach anything else is steering them away from the One God, the only one true God that loves you. This isn't hate, it's passion for my Creator who happens to also love you, you big dope!!!!

I quote myself again:

They harp about the way to salvation, using the belief that God is Angry and will burn you if you don’t believe as they do. Believe as we do and be saved! This salvation, from an angry god that does not exist, is false. They claim to have a secret knowledge that you can have too if you only believe as they do and become their version of born again. Simply believe that Jesus did exist as the messiah and that Jesus really was his name, and that he died for your sins, was buried, and rose again. Presto! You’re born again! Now that you believe, send in your money! Put your hands on the TV screen and pray for healing! Help us beam this lie around the world! Send your money now!

I'll be back tomorrow to see if you put it in print, and no mincing words.

I'll hurry to meet your time schedule!

Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Anointed Messiah?

NO (I am beyond belief. I know this.)

Did he walk this earth with all truth or was he just another guy...

He was just another guy, who walked the earth with all truth.

...like anyone of us armchair philosophers?

Why do you think of yourself as an armchair philosopher? Do you not live your truth?

Let's talk about Jesus. Electra

It's all I talk about, Him and His teachings.

(Again, she did not reply to any of these posts.)


Ray of the Light


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These quotes are from various Internet forums and written by Truth Teachers. I have added the titles and edited for clarity. Ray


I have noticed that about fundamentalists. I didn’t realize that they don’t believe in Jesus enough. They don’t want miracles. They don’t believe Jesus can appear to anybody. They don’t want people to have a “personal relationship with (God/Christ)”, which is what they use as a lure to suck you in at the beginning. They want you to have a “group” relationship with God and to be afraid to think for yourself or dare to believe it’s a living connection.

They only want miracles if their kid is sick, kind of like the miracles of their selection. They don’t want God and Jesus to have power. I really really don’t understand that, but if Jesus and God are alive and doing wonderful things in your life, I GUARANTEE the bible-thumpers will try to throw a big “wet blanket” on the Fire of God (the “holy chrism”) and try to convince you that you’re nuts.

But, the good news is I have had outrageous miracles happen, and I’m not even Benny Hinn. I’m not here to have a relationship with a book. I’m not a book. My Father is not a book. The “Word of God” is a PERSON, not a pile of paper and ink. They don’t believe that. I have argued with them until I’m blue in the face. The LOGOS is not a book, it’s Christ. And because they worship a pile of paper, instead of knowing the Living Christ, that’s all they get. And because they blindly follow anything one man tells them, that’s what they get. That’s ALL they get, until their kids get sick.

Then, when their kids get sick, they start freaking out because their little supposedly Bible religion doesn’t work. To quote one brother, “Nothing I was taught worked for me any more when I found out I had cancer, and I had to find my own answers.”

By Maulenaokea. Message 2. Posted 1/28/2005 2:31 PM



Question: How do you give the tools to finding the truth, if you think Pistis Sophia is beyond your understanding?

First, stop thinking. Thoughts are your tools, not your master. Stand upon the Gnosis you have and give the tools you know have worked for you. You must teach in order to learn more. That is why you are a Truth Teacher! (NOTE: No one under the control of the Rulers could write a post like your last one!)

“We teach best what we need to learn most.” Richard Bach, Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah.

I learn from Ancient Writings. I do not teach from them. I use terminology the modern day seeker can comprehend during their search. All Truth Teachers teach the same things, in the manner needed by the seeker. Once the seeker has passed that line (Born Again, Illumination, Initiation, Higher Consciousness, GNOSIS, etc.) you are no longer needed. They will find these things (Pistis Sophia, etc.) on their own, as needed. Remember, Truth Teachers are tools to be used, not gurus to be worshiped or books to be read. Be a good tool! (It is the most frustrating, at times, and the most rewarding thing at the same time, which you can do.)

When you receive knowledge in meditation, revelation that is new and amazing to you, it is even more amazing when you are shown that this truth is thousands of years old! I was taught about the War of Light from the Spirit Realm. It is called “The War between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness.” (That is the war between those of the Treasury of Light and those of the Rulers.) In my earlier days, while exploring a book store, a book fell from the shelf in front of me, for apparently no reason. When I picked it up, one chapter was entitled, “The War between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness.” I was shocked. This is the title of a scroll found at the Dead Sea site. Confirmation washed over me, and any doubt that had been festering about my lesson, washed away completely in that instant. The scroll explains that there are those born with a preponderance of Light, and those with a preponderance of Darkness. Sound familiar?

Is God creating beings with a preponderance of darkness? Did God create the Rulers? NO. It took many lifetimes of suppression of the Truth, of that Holy Spark of Godhood within them, for these beings to reincarnate in Darkness. But rejoice! You are a being of Light, and just your presence alone, without a spoken word, points them back to the LIGHT! The War of Light is over, and we have won. The enemy just doesn’t know it yet.

Remember when Father-God lined up the Awakened and asked volunteers, who would re-enter earth life to teach, please take one step forward? Everyone but you took one step back! And there you were a volunteer of the Light! (LOL! It’s just a joke. Don’t want to be without humor!)

By the way, my mission is to teach Truth Teachers who they are.


“Ray, when someone asks you if you’re a god, you say yes.” - Ghostbusters

By Raylight12. Message 31. Posted 2/1/2005 7:38 AM



It is bothersome at some level, the desire to drop names at every given point; this to some degree shows ones zeal, but at the same time too much shows ones ignorance, shows how they hide behind a name instead of carrying their own cross, being a light onto their selves. One would think they would be past it, one would think they would just go on to the stage of applying [what Jesus taught] instead of making excuses and continue to say, “he is my Lord and Savior” over and over again. As I have said before, Jesus didn’t come to be praised, but to show a way that will bring unity in man. You observe the pattern and apply the principles, or not, it’s that simple!

Jesus isn’t in need of praise. What all teachers want is for their disciples to become like they ARE, for if not, then how can one be called a teacher and how can one be called a student (disciple)? So why continue in vain, holding on to a name as if you will gain attainment by words alone? If it is of your heart, then the intent of your heart shall become manifest with each situation, each occurrence, with your contact with the fellow beings around you.

Your WILL is that which forms you and it is that which makes you a child of poverty or an adult of virtues in riches. So get passed name shouting, get passed it and find rest in the acquaintance of understanding, so you can know your place IN the Father as well, and experience that recollection, that inheritance, that acknowledgement of truly BEING: “Thou art my beloved child, this day have I begotten thee.”

Peace and love,

By Passerby777. Message 48. Posted 2/2/2005 10:47 PM



From: The Gnostics by Tobias Churton, page 22:

“At the very heart, at the ‘root’ of the Gnostic is the ‘living Jesus.’ This is what it means to ‘know yourself.’ The Gnostic knows that he or she is a spiritual being, ‘of one substance with the Father;’ for what the orthodox say of Christ, the Gnostic is free to say of himself. They do not believe they have denigrated Jesus but that they have discovered the proper dignity of Man: to be an elevated being is what being a Gnostic is all about. He will ‘be like a tree growing by a meandering stream.’ He will be in the ‘Light’ and in his spiritual being he will have wings.”

More to come!

Orthodox Questions Answered

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Orthodox Questions

This is from an Internet forum. An Orthodox Christian member named Marti asked me four questions about my post which described my experience with “Beings of Light” in the Spirit Realm, also known as “Angels.” Apparently these questions were meant to qualify me as a member of the forum, under their definition of “Christian.”

Marti stated: “I have what seems to me to be a reasonable question.”

My reply: It appears you have an assumption and four questions.

YOUR ASSUMPTION: “You claim to know... and I have no reason to doubt that.”

I never claimed to know anything by myself alone, except it is shown to me by the grace of my Father-God… and you do have reasons to doubt the words I have written, otherwise you would not need to ask questions of me.

I came to fellowship here and to share Truth. I hear of your faith and read of your great love for God. I marvel at the trials many here have overcome and the flowing of truth from member George, one who appears to be centered in the Christ, with knowing and not just belief. I see the courage of member Bryson, who would publish on an open forum his experience with Messengers of God, or Angels. Yet, one member named Peace would lecture me on the discernment of Spirits, and tells me my experience of Angels was of the dark force disguised as an Angel of Light. Then she tells me not to experiment anymore, and warns me that this testing of the beliefs I have is not good and can lead me to trouble. I know this was done in misguided love, a warning to help me avoid her idea of error. Then another tells me this warning is sound doctrine and what I have written is not sound doctrine, in response to my response to member Peace. Then the key to this issue is your post, asking me to answer a few questions that define the heart of your belief system. If I answer them correctly, you might give more weight to what I have written. Alternatively, am I wrong about that? Are your questions a reaction to the feeling that your beliefs are being threatened and attacked? I assure you, such is not the case. You are free to believe whatsoever you choose, and I am not here to turn you away from your beliefs. But as for me, I choose to test my beliefs and turn them into knowing and Truth.

“… and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Jesus the Christ, St. John 8:32.

Now I shall answer your questions.

Question 1: “But for my own knowledge would you please tell me who you say Jesus is?”

Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. My friend, my master teacher, the love of God made manifest unto me. He is the living Word of God. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one can come unto the Father-God except through the Christ! Christ is the stumbling block for all religions and even for some Christian sects, for Christ is not about Religion, but TRUTH! I could write many pages expressing what I know Jesus to be, but is that sufficient unto your knowledge? No, it is not, I am sure. You want me to say that Jesus has come in the flesh, has done so many times, and will come again!

Is that sufficient unto you?

Question 2: “And who are we in Him [Christ Jesus]?”

We are the body of the Christ, those who have come to believe in the truth and those who have come to know the truth. We are the Truth Seekers who wish to know and not just believe, for belief is a matter of opinion and can be changed by a stronger belief, but knowing is a constant, never changeable by any belief. So the body of Christ is made up of first, believers, for one can never know unless they believe first; and of those who know, who keep the truth alive and the goal before the believers. We are His army of Light, the Light Bearers of Christ, Jesus. We dispense the Love of God as the Holy Spirit moves us to do so.

Again, I could go on and on, but is this sufficient unto you?

Question 3: “What is the way to salvation?”

First, what is salvation? Is it the appeasement of an angry god who would burn us in an eternal fire for being disobedient to his will? Is it the offering of a sacrifice of blood that will quench his anger and make everything right again? Many Orthodox Christians believe this, calling it the redemption of sins, and all you have to do is believe it and you are saved from the wrath of this god, period. This thinking comes from the creeds established by majority vote in the Councils of the early Church Fathers and the writings they chose to put into the Bible to back up their beliefs. By their decree Jesus became a ransom for many.

Here is the Truth they chose to leave out:

Salvation is to be saved from error (sin), and to learn to walk in the Light and Love of God. The cross is only the beginning of salvation, just as belief is only the beginning of knowledge. The raising from the dead of Jesus was proof He had conquered death and that the gates of eternal life were open to any who would first believe on Him as the Christ, and do as He commands, to master self and become perfected. The way to salvation, to be saved from error, and to gain eternal life, is to walk in the Way, the Truth, and the Life, of Jesus, the Christ. Look to the cross and see the sacrifice, but never forget to look to the resurrection, to see the glory!

At this point, I really do not care if this is sufficient unto you.

Question 4: “And what is the purpose of our salvation?”

The purpose of salvation is TO BECOME PERFECT.

Ray of the Light

P.S. Shortly after I posted this, I was banned from this Internet forum.



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“Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes.” - From Ghostbusters, the movie. Go to My Resume


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